Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Feature: Mindy Gledhill

Mindy Gledhill* ruined my evening. Not kidding. I had planned on answering emails, making phone calls, and just generally crossing items off my "to-do" lists that I didn't get to during the day. But right on the cusp of my productivity, I came across this...

Time for a true confession: this is the first full Mindy tune I had ever listened to up to that point. I've known about her for almost a decade, had endless mentions and recommendations from friends, and even had a chance to meet Mindy at Soundcheck Series events, but never actually listened to a full song. 

So watching this video was something of a revelation. I took it in about three times before I started clicking on other videos, and before I knew it, the evening was gone.

The evening was a fair exchange for having my eyes opened to a talent like Mindy's. Her voice is golden, her songwriting ingenious, and the performance and production are very well matched. Beyond those things, I simply find myself smiling and having FUN when I'm listening to and watching Mindy's videos.

Here's another example:

Seriously! Don't you love it? On a music geek note, did you notice the changing time signatures? So much fun.

As I always say, I'm not trying in any way to give you a complete picture of Mindy Gledhill and her work, but simply to provide a jumping-off place.

Alright, one more. I just can't resist. Enjoy, and happy drumming!

*Go back up and click Mindy's name if you haven't already. You won't be disappointed, but you may be late for something...


Why musicians should watch the big game (Seriously!)

Photo by  Ameer Basheer  on  Unsplash Here we are, about to watch another televised wrestling match over who puts a football on one en...